Thursday, October 15, 2015

Global Handwashing day October 15.

Visste ni att det är Internationella tvätta-händerna-dagen (Global Handwashing Day) idag?! Denna dag initierades 2008 av Public-Private Partership for Handwashing (PPPHW). Målet med dagen är att en kontinuerlig och god handhygien ska bidra till att förhindra diarrésjukdomar och luftvägsinfektioner, som gör vuxna och barn sjuka i världens U-länder varje dag och dödar miljontals varje år. Handtvätt med tvål och vatten är det mest effektiva och billigaste sättet att stoppa detta.

Did you know that today is Global Handwashing Day?

"Handwashing with soap is the most effective and inexpensive way to prevent diarrheal and acute respiratory infections, which take the lives of millions of children in developing countries every year. Together, they are responsible for the majority of all child deaths. Yet, despite its lifesaving potential, handwashing with soap is seldom practiced and difficult to promote.
Turning handwashing with soap before eating and after using the toilet into an ingrained habit could save more lives than any single vaccine or medical intervention, cutting deaths from diarrhea by almost half and deaths from acute respiratory infections by one-quarter. A vast change in handwashing behavior is critical to meeting the Millennium Development Goal of reducing deaths among children under the age of five by two-thirds by 2015.
Global Handwashing Day focuses on children because not only do they suffer disproportionately from diarrheal and respiratory diseases and deaths, but research shows that children – the segment of society so often the most energetic, enthusiastic, and open to new ideas – can also be powerful agents for changing behaviors like handwashing with soap in their communities."

Read more about Global Handwashing day at Public-Private Partership for Handwashing (PPPHW) website.